Blast of Vitamin D - MushRooms

Do you shun the sun, eschew milk, and ignore seafood, struggling with bone pain, not happy with life and all such related issues? Give a stop here and think, you might have a deficiency of an essential vitamin in your body i.e. Vitamin D (as known as Sunshine Vitamin).

Vitamin D deficiency is related to a well-known disease OSTEOPOROSIS in the female and also Rickets in general.

Our body needs Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) & D3 (cholecalciferol) for calcium
absorption in the bones and performing other related work. Between both of these D3 produces 2- to a 3-fold greater storage of vitamin D than does D2. According to the US Institute of Medicine, per day per capital dosage of vitamin D is 400-800IU or 10-20micrograms. The Ultraviolet rays in the sunshine are the key element that helps to produce vitamin D in our body by hitting cholesterol, giving the energy to synthesize Vitamin D. Each cell in our skin is a receptor for Vitamin D synthesis.

But what if you don’t take Sunshine regularly and you are also not interested in seafood like me, how would you get VITAMIN D.! A big Question????

Don't worry, here is another Package of VITAMIN D that nature has gifted to us i.e. delicious MUSHROOMS. Like skin, Mushrooms also produce Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight or artificial UV-light. Mushrooms contain a precursor molecule ergosterol which converts to ergocalciferol when exposing to sunlight. Human skin produces Vitamin D3 whereas mushrooms produce vitamin D2, so you can multiply the level of vitamin D by exposing it to the sunlight. Sliced mushrooms, when exposing to sunlight produce more vitamin D as surface area increases. 100 gms of fresh mushrooms contain around 1μg/100 g whereas sunlight exposed mushrooms contain 10 μg/100 g of vitamin D which is equivalent to the recommended daily dose. 
So, give the sunbath to your fresh mushroom, enjoy them with a blast of

vitamin D and STAY HEALTHY.


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